Wednesday, November 27, 2013


           I'm thankful for Connor Szeto in my class. He has helped me peer edit my papers every time, and I'm glad he can put up with my writings. We met quite a long time ago - back when I was in 5th or 6th grade, and we share jokes with one another from time to time. I'm glad he's in my class, because he's very intellectual, and provides thoughtful insight on the story we read that I would never have come up with. We have inside jokes that always brings a smile to our face, and he's a really nice guy.
           Back then, Connor and I hung out alot due to church organizations. I'm thankful for knowing him back then, as I wasn't much of a talker but Connor had allowed me to socialize more. Now, he has also helped me through class as well, and I'm thankful he's here.
           I am also thankful for Antonio Arana. We met near the end of 1st quarter and got to know one another more. He too has helped me through class by telling me the homework, and I'm glad he does or else I wouldn't be doing too well. He's quite funny, despite sending me the most random photos. We get along most of the time, and we usually argue with one another in a playful manner. I'm thankful for both Antonio and Connor in my class.

Monday, November 11, 2013

I Celebrate Myself

            Since third grade, I have been a very jealous one. Each time a student scored better than me or got a "Good job" by the teacher, I would try and be better than that person. I always wanted to strive to be the best, but I can't. That's impossible. There's always going to be someone better than you, and you cannot do anything about it. I have to realize that I should be content with who I am, and realize that if I really did work hard, then I should be happy about what I do. But now that I think about it, I should be happy for who I am. I've gotten into a high school of my choice, I have decent grades, and I can do the things I like such as drawing.
            I have accomplished things not many have. I have gotten 9 years of perfect attendance, and it's still going. I have learned things I thought I could never do such as playing the piano or drawing. I even got money for what I've done during my graduation ceremony. I always want an A, but to get a B 1st quarter for AP World is still great, and I need to realize that it is. This is me, and I'm proud of it.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Edgar Allen Poe led a very sad and interesting life all the way to the end. He made little money for a living, and has experienced many sorrows.
When he was two years old, his mother had died, and she had already separated with his SECOND father. He was then adopted, getting separated by his brother and sisters. His adopted family was very rich, so he was able to get a very good education. However, his dad gave him little money, and soon he was in debt, causing him to drop out of school. Having his THIRD father shun him, he was forced to join the army for money at only 18.
His writing style has a very mysterious and spooky atmosphere to it, possibly inspired by his life. He wrote about things that weren't really popular at the time, and his stories had no actual explanation to things. No one would know what actually happened and why, as there was no possible explanation. Nowadays, it is, of course, very popular, since back then it was just "out of the norm." His writings weren't able to make much money for him, and it was hard to find any publishers that would accept his work.
One interesting fact is that in his final days, he died mysteriously. He had taken the wrong train to Baltimore, and was found at Gunner's Hall, unable to explain what happened to him. After his mysterious death, it gave birth to many myths and legends of what may have actually happened to him.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

What is an American?

        I think an American is someone who is just and righteous in their morals. After all, our constitution is suppose to be more fair and just. By being just, you will know your differences from the rights and wrongs, and act upon your virtues and no selfishness. An American is someone who actually wants a better future and not a better future for themselves but everyone. They have everyone in mind. An American is anyone who is a "citizen" of America, and they can be of any race. There's no need for 1/4 Hispanic, 12% White, etc. As long as you're a citizen of America, you can call yourself an AMERICAN, and not go listing all the other different ethnic groups you are part of.
         There is no absolute take-over of the government. You can be a part of it by voting. By the age of 18, we can all vote for who we think will make a great decision for our future. We don't just have to sit on the sidelines and bite out nails nervously, wondering what the government does, because we have a say in it. I'm not saying Americans are perfect or that they're the best because we aren't. We have poverty, crimes, and other bad things. However, we do have the American Dream. It's not one universal dream, but a dream/goal that each individual has. For example, my parents moved to America for their dream of being able to start a better and easier life. So I believe that as an American, you will also have hope/dreams whether it be big or small.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Modern Puritans

             Back then, Puritans were very strict. Someone could get into a lot of trouble for what some may now view as outrageous. For example, children were not allowed/expected to be children, meaning they couldn't dance,scream, etc. Today, there are some puritan-like people/places.
              There are charter schools in Chicago that are very strict. If you don't have your shirt tucked, or if you don't wear the required shoes to school, you will get a demerit. You get 3 demerits, then you get a detention. Demerits can be given out for the smallest matters, but those are the school rules and only authorities can change them. That's sort of how the Puritans were as they picked out every single nib-bit there was about someone and you could be punished for what they picked out.
             Puritans also had rules based off their religion, and were very strict about it. I think this can be applied in some way to the Westboro Church. Puritans say that they do things for their religion, and the Westboro Church also claims that. However, they go very extreme, and are looked down upon many. They are very strict about their rules, and if others break their rules, (one of them being homosexuality) then they will chase you down with their picket signs. These people are like a meaner version of Puritans, but are very strict like them as well. These are some of the people/places that I think are like Puritans.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

John Proctor - Hero or Stooge?

        I believe John Proctor was a hero. He stood up for his friends such as Giles, and when he was offered a deal by Danforth, he denied it, as he wanted to help his friends' wives that were also accused. Despite him having an affair with Abigail, he was still a good person since he confessed in front of the whole court. He fought in court of what he believed, and fought until the end where he was arrested. At the end of the play, he also could have saved his life by lying, but knowing how Giles had died, he knew he could not live with that, and so he decided to get executed instead. He stood up with his beliefs, and did them, which made him a good man. He had many wrongs, but everyone else does as well... it's just whether or not you learn/change from those mistakes.
        In some eyes, such as Parris', they didn't feel that John Proctor was a good man according to his actions of the Puritan's rules. Some rules would have been going to church, and getting your children baptized, and as you know, Proctor's youngest son didn't get baptized, he didn't go to church often, and he also didn't know all ten commandments. However, his actions were mostly righteous, as he did have many good beliefs as stated above. John Proctor was a hero: a person that put his friends first, fought his beliefs, and learned from the mistakes he did.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Arrivals...There Goes the Neighborhood

         I feel that when the English came over to the New World, they were harsh. They came over to where the Indians lived, and forcefully tried to convert them. They had advanced technology (such as guns) while the Indians used spears and things that they made from stone. They didn't care for the Native's beliefs, and killed animals that the Indians thought of as sacred, and they destroyed forests to settle in. They took away the lovely nature that the Natives had so loved, and that made them despise the English. The English only had one thing in their mind: the wealth that would come from the land. In my opinion, the English were irrational as they took over the lands, because they saw the Natives as primitive, or in a condescending matter. If they had tried to cooperate with them, and if the settlers were actually nice and didn't try to force things upon them, I feel that both sides would've been able to work something out. Both sides had to fight and lose many people, and yet, it didn't prove anything, it merely made them lose lots of resources. It wasn't fair that the Indians were portrayed by some as evil-doers, while the English were also doing bad things. They didn't respect them or their traditions, and took away their lands, which they claimed despite them living there since forever. However, without the English settlement, I wouldn't be here today. To conclude, I do feel that it was wrong to do this to the Natives, but I also in a way feel happy that they did so, because it was the only way that I would be here.

Thursday, August 29, 2013


        I am Steven Eng, a student at Whitney Young. I'm 15 years old, and a bit shy. I have a hard time trying to communicate with people I just met, as my social life isn't all that great. At times, I find it more enjoyable when I'm by myself rather than interacting with others. I usually express my thoughts on paper by drawing, as I have an imaginative mind. Everyday, it continues to grow as I learn more and more about things at school, TV shows, movies, etc.
        When I was younger, I didn't find much interest in computer games, but I did have a strong interest in two things: using my imagination and drawing. I took a very fond interest in my toys, and sometimes, I would pretend I was the toy's character. Drawing was also another interest I had, because it too involved my imagination. To this day, I still draw, but I don't play with toys anymore. Another hobby I now have is playing video games, and I also play the piano. These are the main things I do to relax at home.
         However at school, I need to do work for my classes, and  the subject I would say that I am the worst in is science. I have never taken a liking to the subject, and I have always done poorly in it as well. The subject I like most is probably art, but I also find English fun to some degree. I like to read the fascinating stories that we're assigned in class, but I don't like the grammar that is taught, simply because it doesn't make sense to me. Another subject I am weak in is history, as I have barely learned any in elementary school. I am Steven Eng, and this is me: a somewhat shy, imaginative teenage boy that draws, plays video games, plays piano, and has weak spots in different subjects at school such as science.