Thursday, October 17, 2013

What is an American?

        I think an American is someone who is just and righteous in their morals. After all, our constitution is suppose to be more fair and just. By being just, you will know your differences from the rights and wrongs, and act upon your virtues and no selfishness. An American is someone who actually wants a better future and not a better future for themselves but everyone. They have everyone in mind. An American is anyone who is a "citizen" of America, and they can be of any race. There's no need for 1/4 Hispanic, 12% White, etc. As long as you're a citizen of America, you can call yourself an AMERICAN, and not go listing all the other different ethnic groups you are part of.
         There is no absolute take-over of the government. You can be a part of it by voting. By the age of 18, we can all vote for who we think will make a great decision for our future. We don't just have to sit on the sidelines and bite out nails nervously, wondering what the government does, because we have a say in it. I'm not saying Americans are perfect or that they're the best because we aren't. We have poverty, crimes, and other bad things. However, we do have the American Dream. It's not one universal dream, but a dream/goal that each individual has. For example, my parents moved to America for their dream of being able to start a better and easier life. So I believe that as an American, you will also have hope/dreams whether it be big or small.

1 comment:

  1. The first paragraph is a highly optimistic view of Americans, but I feel like it is too generalized. Although they are very democratic views, it doesn't mean it is subjected to only Americans. What about the rest of the world?

    America contains strongly opinionated people, exercising their right to their opinions and expressing it. There, are indeed, people who are trying to aim for the betterment of the world. And, of course, there are those who oppose it. That said, it doesn't necessarily mean that there are a right or wrong side; just there's always people with different viewpoints.
