Saturday, September 28, 2013

Modern Puritans

             Back then, Puritans were very strict. Someone could get into a lot of trouble for what some may now view as outrageous. For example, children were not allowed/expected to be children, meaning they couldn't dance,scream, etc. Today, there are some puritan-like people/places.
              There are charter schools in Chicago that are very strict. If you don't have your shirt tucked, or if you don't wear the required shoes to school, you will get a demerit. You get 3 demerits, then you get a detention. Demerits can be given out for the smallest matters, but those are the school rules and only authorities can change them. That's sort of how the Puritans were as they picked out every single nib-bit there was about someone and you could be punished for what they picked out.
             Puritans also had rules based off their religion, and were very strict about it. I think this can be applied in some way to the Westboro Church. Puritans say that they do things for their religion, and the Westboro Church also claims that. However, they go very extreme, and are looked down upon many. They are very strict about their rules, and if others break their rules, (one of them being homosexuality) then they will chase you down with their picket signs. These people are like a meaner version of Puritans, but are very strict like them as well. These are some of the people/places that I think are like Puritans.

1 comment:

  1. Like what I said in my blog post, a less extreme form of Puritanism can still be found in schools or even at home. Though, I don't think the Westboro Church is "meaner" than the Puritans as the Puritans basically did the same thing if people broke a rule.
