Thursday, August 29, 2013


        I am Steven Eng, a student at Whitney Young. I'm 15 years old, and a bit shy. I have a hard time trying to communicate with people I just met, as my social life isn't all that great. At times, I find it more enjoyable when I'm by myself rather than interacting with others. I usually express my thoughts on paper by drawing, as I have an imaginative mind. Everyday, it continues to grow as I learn more and more about things at school, TV shows, movies, etc.
        When I was younger, I didn't find much interest in computer games, but I did have a strong interest in two things: using my imagination and drawing. I took a very fond interest in my toys, and sometimes, I would pretend I was the toy's character. Drawing was also another interest I had, because it too involved my imagination. To this day, I still draw, but I don't play with toys anymore. Another hobby I now have is playing video games, and I also play the piano. These are the main things I do to relax at home.
         However at school, I need to do work for my classes, and  the subject I would say that I am the worst in is science. I have never taken a liking to the subject, and I have always done poorly in it as well. The subject I like most is probably art, but I also find English fun to some degree. I like to read the fascinating stories that we're assigned in class, but I don't like the grammar that is taught, simply because it doesn't make sense to me. Another subject I am weak in is history, as I have barely learned any in elementary school. I am Steven Eng, and this is me: a somewhat shy, imaginative teenage boy that draws, plays video games, plays piano, and has weak spots in different subjects at school such as science.